Apprenticeship in early modern Europe


Sunday July 3, Fundatie van Renswoude, Agnietenstraat 5, Utrecht

13.00: Introduction

13.05 – 15.05:

Joel Mokyr: Clans, Guilds, and Markets: Apprenticeship Institutions and Growth in the Pre Industrial Economy
Patrick Wallis: England

15.30 – 17.30:

Bert De Munck, Annelies De Bie & Raoul De Kerf: Southern Netherlands
Ruben Schalk: Northern Netherlands

17:30 Viewing of apprentice portraits of Fundatie (TBC)

19:00: Dinner (location TBC)

Monday July 4, Utrecht University, Drift 25, Room 3.02

9.00 – 12.15:

Clare Crowston & Claire Lemercier: France
Merja Uotila: Finland
Anna Bellavitis, Riccardo Cella, Maud Ehrmann & Giovanni Colavizza: Venice

12.15: Lunch

13:15 – 16:30:

Reinhold Reith & Georg Stöger: Germany
Nina Lerman: Colonial America
José Nieto & Victoria López: Madrid

16:30 – 17:30 Closing Discussion